Game theory buys 29 Mason

Saturday, August 17th, 2024

Global Shelter: When your home needs an international reach and deserves an international strategy

One thing Sydneysiders seem to appreciate more than we Melburnians do is the power of a view. This home is just 5 minutes from Austin Hospital, 17 minutes from Carey, and 23 minutes from Grossi Florentino. It sits on two lots of two levels, backing onto a large private park. The home will be completed in one month, featuring a brand-new $9 million rebuild with 48 tons of steel — the average home < 1 ton.


The asking price is $12 million, listed with the very pleasant Stewart Oldmeadow (0412 119 277) and Liz Walker (0412 659 140).


On the topic of views and prime locations, across town by the Bay and less than 30 minutes from Grossi Florentino, there’s another home ready for immediate move-in. It offers an expansive view, a tennis court, and is just 5 minutes from the water, Brighton Grammar, and Firbank. The large land’s prime location—near both the station and shops—was a huge plus for our clients as their teenage children grew, as it’s almost impossible to find in Brighton, but now it’s time to downsize. The asking price is $9,900,000 to $10,800,000.


Contact the equally bright and breezy Andy Nasr on (0422 029 324) to schedule a viewing.

C’mon Go Pies
Mal James 

Buy Sell Agent

0408 107 988

who why & how

At James Buy Sell, we understand that real estate, particularly in high-stakes transactions like our recent purchase of 29 Mason St, Hawthorn, involves more than just buying and selling; it’s about making informed, strategic decisions. This is where Game Theory comes into play. It’s a concept I revisited during my Master’s at RMIT, and it’s been invaluable in helping us navigate the complexities of the market.


Game Theory might sound intimidating, but at its core, it is the study of mathematical models of strategic interactions. It’s about understanding how different decisions affect outcomes, especially when multiple parties are involved with various conflicts of interest. It’s not just for academics—18 Nobel Prize winners have recognised its impact, and we’ve seen its benefits firsthand in our work for decades.


Whilst we are buyer advocates first, this week, we launched 10 homes for sale as part of our vendor advocacy division, each with its own unique strategy.


Whether it’s through auctions, off-market deals, or working with single or multiple agents, our approach is always tailored to the situation. We feel real estate has no one-size-fits-all, and Game Theory helps us adapt our strategies as needed.


We’ve structured the sales with flexibility in mind, understanding that sometimes the best path isn’t the one you originally planned. In a challenging market, being able to pivot without losing momentum is key.


We hope this discussion on Game Theory inspires you to see it not as something abstract or overly complex but as a practical tool that can make a real difference in your real estate decisions.


The questions we’ve prepared below are designed to guide you in applying Game Theory to your specific situation—whether you’re buying, selling, or just interested in understanding the dynamics at play, perhaps as an agent.


We’re here to help, and we hope you find this informative and thought-provoking. We’re committed to guiding you through the complexities of real estate and helping you see an alternative to cutting someone else’s lunch (every time).


There’s that price sandwich again!

Game Theory below: James Buy Sell asks some questions of some typical Melbourne Top End real estate scenarios. 


It’s not about right or wrong; it’s about exploring options that may work better for you. All responses are unedited and are not facts; they are sieved opinions from many sources on the net, distilled by ChatGPT to allow easier comprehension.


The idea is to open up fresh, dynamic thinking in each situation, giving several options before you and your team decide.


Click v for the ChatGPT responses on them.

Auction Statement: “Quote ’em low, watch ’em go; quote ’em high, watch ’em die.”

This statement reflects the idea that setting a lower price guide can attract more bidders and create competitive bidding, while setting a higher price guide might discourage participation and lead to a stagnant auction.


Application in a Strong Market

  1. Quoting Low in a Strong Market:
  • Strategy: In a strong market, there is high demand, and many buyers are competing for properties. Quoting low can create a feeding frenzy, where multiple buyers engage in aggressive bidding, driving the final sale price well above the initial quote.
  • Game Theory Insight: This strategy leverages the principle of escalation. As more buyers enter the bidding war, they become increasingly committed to winning, often leading to a higher final price due to competitive pressure.
  • Outcome: The seller benefits from the competitive tension, often achieving a sale price that exceeds expectations.


  1. Quoting High in a Strong Market:
  • Strategy: Quoting high might give the impression that the property is overpriced, which could reduce the number of interested buyers.
  • Game Theory Insight: With fewer bidders, the auction may fail to generate the necessary competitive dynamic, leading to a situation where the property fails to sell or sells at a lower price than anticipated.
  • Outcome: The seller risks a less successful auction with limited buyer engagement.


Application in a Slow Market

  1. Quoting Low in a Slow Market:
  • Strategy: In a slow market, demand is lower, and buyers are more cautious. Quoting low in this environment can still attract more buyers, even if fewer in number, by creating a perception of value.
  • Game Theory Insight: This strategy aims to create momentum. Even in a slow market, a few motivated buyers can create a competitive atmosphere, encouraging others to participate and potentially driving the price up.
  • Outcome: The seller might secure a reasonable sale price by ensuring that at least some buyers are engaged and willing to compete.


  1. Quoting High in a Slow Market:
  • Strategy: Quoting high in a slow market is particularly risky, as it may deter the few potential buyers from participating altogether, leading to a failed auction.
  • Game Theory Insight: The lack of competition can lead to a negative spiral, where no one is willing to start bidding, causing the auction to “die” due to insufficient interest.
  • Outcome: The property is likely to remain unsold, or if sold, it may be at a price far below expectations after the seller is forced to negotiate downwards post-auction.



Strong Market: In a strong market, quoting low is often the optimal strategy according to game theory, as it maximizes buyer engagement and competitive bidding. Quoting high, conversely, can lead to a less dynamic auction.


Slow Market: In a slow market, quoting low can still be beneficial by attracting cautious buyers, while quoting high is generally more detrimental, as it can lead to a complete lack of engagement.


In both market conditions, game theory suggests that creating an environment where buyers feel compelled to compete is key to achieving the best possible outcome at auction.

In a less public sale scenario, such as an Expression of Interest (EOI) process conducted behind closed doors, the negotiation dynamics differ significantly from a public auction.

Game theory can be applied to understand how the negotiation skills of both the agent and the buyer impact the final outcome, especially when there is only one bidder.

Scenario Breakdown:


  • Buyer: Has average negotiation skills.
  • Agent 1: Poor negotiation skills.
  • Agent 2: Excellent negotiation skills.
  1. Buyer with Average Negotiation Skills vs. Agent with Poor Negotiation Skills
  • Outcome:
    • The buyer may end up securing the property at a price closer to their initial offer, as the agent may not effectively counter or push for a higher price. The buyer’s average skills may be enough to exploit the agent’s weaknesses.
    • The final sale price might be lower than the property’s potential market value because the agent fails to leverage the EOI process to create perceived competition or urgency.
  • Game Theory Insight:
    • Weak Player Advantage: In this case, the buyer benefits from the agent’s poor negotiation skills, leading to a suboptimal outcome for the seller. The negotiation process lacks the tension and strategic moves that could drive the price higher.
  1. Buyer with Average Negotiation Skills vs. Agent with Excellent Negotiation Skills
  • Outcome:
    • The agent, with superior negotiation skills, is likely to steer the process in favor of the seller. They can create a sense of scarcity, urgency, or even hint at other potential offers (real or perceived) to encourage the buyer to increase their offer.
    • Even though the buyer has average negotiation skills, the agent’s ability to manage the conversation, present counter-offers, and apply subtle pressure will likely lead to a higher final sale price.
  • Game Theory Insight:
    • Strong Player Dominance: The agent’s excellent negotiation skills put them in a dominant position, allowing them to extract more value from the buyer. This dynamic often leads to an outcome where the buyer pays closer to the property’s maximum perceived value, despite their average skills.
  1. Strategic Considerations for the Seller
  • Choosing the Right Agent:
    • Given the critical role of the agent’s negotiation skills, sellers should prioritize selecting an agent with proven negotiation expertise, especially in a less public sale. This choice can significantly impact the final sale price.
  • Managing the EOI Process:
    • An experienced agent can structure the EOI process to create perceived competition, even in a scenario with only one bidder. By managing information flow and timing, they can influence the buyer’s perception of the property’s value.
  1. Potential Risks and Benefits
  • Risk with Poor Agent:
    • The risk is clear: the seller may leave money on the table due to the agent’s inability to maximize the buyer’s offer. The transaction could close at a lower price, negatively impacting the seller’s returns.
  • Benefit with Strong Agent:
    • A strong agent can mitigate the risks associated with a single bidder by using advanced negotiation tactics to ensure the seller gets the best possible price. This can make a significant difference in the outcome, particularly in a slow market where attracting multiple bidders is challenging.


In an EOI process with a single bidder, the negotiation skills of the agent are crucial. A buyer with average skills can secure a better deal if the agent is weak, but a highly skilled agent can still drive up the price to benefit the seller. For sellers, the key takeaway is the importance of selecting an agent with excellent negotiation capabilities, as this can turn a potentially weak negotiating position into a strong one, maximizing the property’s sale price.

Applying game theory to this scenario, where three agents offer identical services but differ in their response to lowering commissions, you would consider the following:


Lowest Commission Agent (Said Yes):


Strategy: This agent’s willingness to lower their commission without hesitation may suggest they are less confident in achieving a higher sale price or maybe more desperate to secure the listing.


Game Theory Insight: This could indicate a weak position in negotiations, where the agent might be more inclined to prioritise securing the sale over maximising the final price. This could result in a lower sale price, as their incentive to push for the best deal might be reduced.


Middle Commission Agent (Said Maybe – How Much):


Strategy: This agent’s response shows a willingness to negotiate but with caution. They are open to compromise but also value their service enough to seek clarification before making a concession.


Game Theory Insight: This reflects a balanced approach in negotiations. The agent values their work but is flexible enough to adjust if it benefits both parties. This agent might still be motivated to achieve a high sale price, understanding that their commission is linked to performance.


Highest Commission Agent (Said No):


Strategy: This agent’s refusal to lower their commission demonstrates confidence in their ability to deliver superior results. They believe their higher commission is justified by the value they bring to the transaction.


Game Theory Insight: This represents a strong negotiation position. The agent’s confidence may indicate a higher likelihood of achieving a top sale price, as their financial incentive is aligned with maximising the sale outcome. According to game theory, this agent is signalling that they are fully committed to securing the highest possible price, which can benefit the seller.



Based on game theory, you might engage the highest commission agent. Their refusal to lower their commission suggests they have strong negotiation skills and confidence in their ability to deliver results. This confidence and alignment of incentives could lead to a better overall outcome for the seller, as the agent is more likely to be motivated to secure the highest possible sale price.

When dealing with ultra-high-end properties, the concern about having only a few bidders—or even just one—raises important questions about pricing and negotiation strategy. Here’s how Game Theory applies in such scenarios:


  1. Low Number of Bidders and Price Outcomes
  • Auction Dynamics: In an auction with a low number of bidders, the final sale price typically ends up just slightly above the second-highest bid. If there’s only one bidder, that bidder essentially sets the price, often close to the reserve price or the starting bid.
  • Game Theory Insight: With fewer participants, the competition is reduced, which weakens the seller’s leverage. This situation can lead to a suboptimal outcome where the seller doesn’t capture the full value of the property. The second bidder’s willingness to pay sets a floor, but with only one serious bidder, the ceiling is just a minimal increment above that.


  1. One Bidder Scenario
  • Outcome with One Bidder: If there is only one bidder, the auction dynamics change dramatically. The single bidder has significant power because there is no competition to drive up the price. The seller is left with two options: accept the bid, likely close to the reserve price, or risk withdrawing the property from the market.
  • Game Theory Insight: In this scenario, the “Nash Equilibrium” suggests that both the seller and the bidder will settle at the reserve price or slightly above, as the bidder knows they have no direct competition. The seller’s best strategy might be to create an illusion of competition or consider alternative sales strategies like private negotiations to extract a higher price.


  1. Strategies for Sellers
  • Create Perceived Competition: Even if actual competition is low, creating the perception of multiple interested parties can drive up the bidder’s offer.
  • Private Negotiation: Transitioning from an auction to a private negotiation can be more effective in extracting a higher price from a single bidder, leveraging the exclusivity of the property.
  • Pre-Auction Offers: Encouraging pre-auction offers might stimulate early competitive behaviour, even with a limited number of bidders.


In summary, Game Theory suggests that in scenarios with few bidders, particularly with only one, the seller needs to employ strategic approaches to maximise outcomes, such as creating the perception of competition or moving to private negotiations.



To distinguish between an agent with good negotiation skills and one with poorer skills when both come from reputable companies and offer similar services, consider the following:

  1. Ability to Handle Objections:
    • A skilled negotiator will confidently address any concerns or objections you raise, using persuasive arguments to put your mind at ease. A less skilled negotiator might struggle or become defensive when challenged .
  2. Response to Hypothetical Scenarios:
    • Test their negotiation approach by asking how they would handle specific scenarios, such as a low-ball offer. A strong negotiator will outline a strategic response, demonstrating how they would maximize the sale price, while a weaker negotiator might provide vague or less convincing answers .
  3. Demonstrated Emotional Intelligence:
    • A good negotiator will show strong emotional intelligence, reading your concerns and responding appropriately. They will demonstrate empathy and adapt their communication style to build rapport, which is crucial in negotiations .
  4. Track Record and References:
    • Ask for examples or references from previous clients where the agent successfully negotiated above-market deals. A strong negotiator will have a track record to back up their claims, while a weaker negotiator may lack compelling evidence of past success .
  5. Confidence and Composure:
    • Observe how the agent carries themselves during discussions. A good negotiator will exude confidence and maintain composure, even under pressure, which is vital in high-stakes negotiations. A weaker negotiator might appear uncertain or anxious .


  1. – An Agents’ Negotiation Skills Makes All the Difference
  2. – How to tell if your agent is a good negotiator
  3. – Top 10 Negotiation Skills You Must Learn to Succeed
  4. – 6 Negotiation Skills All Professionals Can Benefit From
  1. Getting Agents to Compete for Your Job First (Pre-Commitment Strategy)
  • Strategy: You have agents compete to win your listing by offering their best service package, marketing plan, and commission rate upfront.
  • Game Theory Insight: This scenario mirrors the Prisoner’s Dilemma—each agent, acting in their self-interest, might undercut their competitors to secure the job. This can lead to lower commission rates but may not necessarily align with maximising the sale price.
  • Outcome: The risk is that after securing the job, the winning agent may not feel as motivated to push for the best sale price, having already won the contract.


  1. Giving All Agents the Job and Then Having Them Compete with Offers
  • Strategy: You allow multiple agents to list the property simultaneously and compete to bring in the best offers from buyers. The agent who brings in the highest offer secures the commission.
  • Game Theory Insight: This strategy can create a competitive environment where each agent strives to outperform the others. However, it can also lead to the Prisoner’s Dilemma, where agents might prioritise speed over maximising the price, fearing that another agent might close a deal first.
  • Outcome: This could lead to a quick sale, but potentially at a lower price, as agents rush to secure the commission.


  1. Giving All Agents the Job and Encouraging Collaboration
  • Strategy: You engage multiple agents and encourage them to collaborate, sharing information and working together to achieve the highest possible sale price.
  • Game Theory Insight: In a collaborative scenario, agents could achieve a cooperative equilibrium, similar to the best-case outcome in the Prisoner’s Dilemma, where all parties work together for mutual benefit. However, the challenge is ensuring that agents truly cooperate rather than secretly compete.
  • Outcome: This approach could maximise the sale price if agents effectively collaborate, but there is a risk of coordination failure where agents don’t fully commit to collaboration.



  • Competing for the Job First: This may secure better commission rates, but it risks diminishing agent motivation post-hiring.
  • Competing with Offers: Can create urgency and competitive energy but might lead to a suboptimal sale price due to agents prioritizing speed.
  • Collaborating with Offers: Offers the potential for maximising sale price but requires careful management to ensure true collaboration.


Given the insights from the Prisoner’s Dilemma, encouraging collaboration while allowing for healthy competition might strike the best balance, fostering both cooperation and motivation to achieve the best sale price.




  1. – What Is the Prisoner’s Dilemma and How Does It Work?
  2. – Prisoner’s dilemma
  3. – To compete or collaborate? Popular questions answered ..

The Prisoner’s Dilemma is a game theory thought experiment that involves two rational agents, each of whom can cooperate for mutual benefit or betray their partner (“defect”) for individual reward. This dilemma was originally framed by Merrill Flood and Melvin Dresher.


Applied to two high-end Melbourne real estate agents working for the same seller, each agent faces a choice: collaborate to secure the highest possible sale price or pursue individual tactics to maximize their commission, possibly at the other’s expense.


If both agents act selfishly, they might undercut each other, leading to a lower sale price and reduced commissions. Cooperation, however, could lead to a higher sale price and better outcomes for the agents as well.

The perception that real estate agents live in a world of egotists, even narcissists may stem from the highly competitive and image-conscious nature of the industry. Real estate, especially in high-end markets, often involves individuals who are focused on appearances, success, and status, which can sometimes attract personalities with narcissistic traits.


However, it’s important to note that not all real estate agents or their clients fit this stereotype. Many real estate professionals are genuinely dedicated to helping their clients find the right homes and make sound investments. They navigate a complex landscape that requires empathy, strong communication skills, and a deep understanding of human behaviour.


In short, while there may be individuals with narcissistic tendencies in the real estate world, it is not a universal characteristic of the industry. The best agents balance ambition with integrity, focusing on building long-term relationships rather than just immediate successes.


Here are the top five key traits commonly associated with narcissists:


Grandiosity: Narcissists have an exaggerated sense of self-importance. They believe they are superior to others and often expect special treatment. This grandiosity can lead them to overestimate their abilities and achievements.

Lack of Empathy: Narcissists often have difficulty understanding or caring about the feelings and needs of others. This lack of empathy can result in them being dismissive or insensitive to those around them, as they prioritise their own desires and interests.

Need for Admiration and Attention: Narcissists crave constant validation and admiration. They seek to be the centre of attention and can become upset or angry if ignored or underappreciated. Their self-esteem is often dependent on external approval.

Sense of Entitlement: Narcissists typically believe they deserve special treatment and privileges, often without having earned them. They may expect others to cater to their needs and can become frustrated or angry when things don’t go their way.

Manipulative and Exploitative Behaviour: Narcissists can be very skilled at manipulating others to achieve their goals. They may use charm, deceit, or coercion to get what they want, often without regard for the impact on others. This exploitative behaviour can damage relationships and trust over time.


These traits can vary in intensity from person to person. These traits can cause significant challenges in personal and professional relationships.

  1. Egotistical Agent vs. Collaborative Agent
  • Egotistical Agent:
    • Game Theory Insight: Narcissistic agents, driven by self-interest and the desire for personal gain, might push aggressively to close deals quickly to enhance their reputation or commission. While this could lead to faster sales, the focus on their own success rather than the seller’s best interest may result in suboptimal pricing or outcomes for the seller.
    • Outcome: The seller might get a quick sale but potentially at a lower price, as the agent may prioritise closing the deal over maximising the seller’s return.
  • Collaborative Agent:
    • Game Theory Insight: Collaborative agents are more likely to work together with other agents and stakeholders to achieve the best possible outcome for the seller. They can leverage collective efforts, share information, and use strategic decision-making to negotiate better deals.
    • Outcome: The seller is likely to achieve a better sale price, as the agent’s collaborative approach focuses on creating value for all parties rather than just personal gain.
  1. Impact of the Advocate’s Quality
  • High-Quality Advocate:
    • Game Theory Insight: A skilled advocate can align the interests of multiple agents, whether narcissistic or collaborative, ensuring that they work toward the seller’s best interests. The advocate’s ability to manage, mediate, and motivate the agents can result in a more cohesive strategy that maximises the final sale price.
    • Outcome: The seller benefits significantly from the advocate’s role, especially if the advocate can balance the competing interests of narcissistic agents while fostering collaboration among them.
  • Low-Quality Advocate:
    • Game Theory Insight: A poorly skilled advocate might fail to manage the dynamics between agents, leading to inefficiencies, internal competition, or even conflicts. This could result in a fragmented approach, reducing the overall effectiveness of the sales strategy.
    • Outcome: The seller might face a disjointed process, with agents either working at cross-purposes or not fully committed to achieving the best result.
  1. Seller Managing Agents Themselves
  • If the Seller is Collaborative:
    • Game Theory Insight: A collaborative seller may struggle to manage narcissistic agents effectively, as these agents might not align with the seller’s approach, leading to friction or suboptimal outcomes.
    • Outcome: The seller could face challenges in achieving the desired result without an advocate or a strong management strategy.
  • If the Seller is Egotistical:
    • Game Theory Insight: An egotistical seller might find it easier to manage egotistical agents, as their goals may align. However, the lack of collaboration could lead to short-term gains at the expense of long-term value.
    • Outcome: While the seller may achieve a quick sale, the price might not reflect the property’s full market potential due to the lack of strategic collaboration.


  • Best Outcome: The best result for the seller is likely to come from a collaborative agent, particularly when managed by a high-quality advocate who can effectively coordinate multiple agents. This combination leverages the strengths of collaboration while mitigating the risks associated with egotistical behaviour.
  • Comparison: A seller managing agents themselves, especially if collaborative, might struggle to achieve the same level of success without the expertise and coordination that a skilled advocate provides.


  1. – Game Theory: A Comprehensive Guide
  2. – Grandiose narcissists and decision making: Impulsive …
  3. – Game theory models for communication between agents

When choosing between an experienced, self-assured but non-team player agent versus a collaborative agent to represent you as a buyer or seller, Game Theory provides valuable insights into the potential outcomes based on their strategies and interactions.


Experienced, Self-Assured but Non-Team Player Agents


  • Decisive and Assertive: These agents are likely to be strong negotiators, taking charge and pushing hard for the best deal. Their confidence can be advantageous in competitive scenarios where a bold approach is needed.
  • Focus on Individual Goals: They are driven by their success, which may align well with achieving the highest possible price or the best buying terms.
  • Quick Decision-Making: Their independence allows them to act swiftly without needing to consult others, which can be critical in fast-moving markets.


  • Limited Collaboration: Their reluctance to work closely with others might lead to missed opportunities for information sharing or strategy refinement.
  • Potential for Isolation: In situations where collaboration with other agents or stakeholders could create a better outcome, their solo approach might be a disadvantage.
  • Risk of Conflict: Their assertive nature could lead to conflicts with other parties, potentially jeopardising the transaction.


Collaborative Agents


  • Enhanced Information Flow: Collaborative agents are more likely to gather and share valuable insights from various sources, leading to more informed decision-making.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: By working well with others, these agents can adjust strategies based on collective input, which can benefit complex negotiations.
  • Relationship Building: Their ability to foster strong relationships with other agents, buyers, and sellers can lead to smoother transactions and long-term benefits.


  • Potentially Slower Decision-Making: Collaboration often requires consensus, which can slow down the process, possibly leading to missed opportunities in a fast-paced market.
  • Risk of Diluted Focus: In trying to accommodate multiple viewpoints, the agent might not advocate as strongly for your individual interests.
  • Dependence on Others: Their effectiveness may depend on the cooperation and competence of other parties, which can introduce risks if those parties are not as committed or skilled.


Game Theory Insights

  • Self-Assured, Non-Team Players: In zero-sum situations, such as a competitive bidding war where one party’s gain is another’s loss, a self-assured agent’s aggressive tactics might be more effective. However, their lack of collaboration could lead to suboptimal outcomes in scenarios requiring nuanced negotiation.
  • Collaborative Agents: In non-zero-sum games, where cooperation can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes, collaborative agents might create more value by leveraging their relationships and adaptability. This approach is ideal when long-term relationships and collective success are important.

Using Game Theory to Match the Selection of an Agent, Price Limit, and Home

Game theory provides a framework to make strategic decisions by considering the potential actions of other parties. When applying game theory to real estate, particularly in selecting an agent, price limit, and home, you can optimise your strategy by analysing the interdependencies of these choices.

  1. Selection of an Agent or Advocate:
    • Agent’s Strategy: Agents have different negotiation skills and market knowledge levels. Choosing an agent with a strong track record and reputation can be seen as selecting a partner with a high probability of successfully navigating competitive bidding scenarios. The agent’s ability to read the market and influence outcomes will affect the subsequent price limit and home selection.
    • Game Theory Application: Consider the agent’s strategies related to maximising your utility (e.g., obtaining the best price for a home). An agent with better negotiation skills might push for higher offers, altering the price limit you should set.
  2. Selection of a Price Limit:
    • Price Strategy: The price limit you set directly impacts your negotiating power. If the price is set too high, it may attract more competition, driving up the final cost. If set too low, you risk being outbid. The Nash equilibrium concept suggests setting a price where no player (you or your competitors) is incentivised to deviate from their strategy, ensuring an optimal outcome.
    • Game Theory Application: Analyse the market and other buyers’ likely price strategies to set a price limit that maximises your chances of securing the home without overpaying.
  3. Selection of a Home:
    • Home Selection Strategy: The home you choose should match your strategic goals and the agent’s ability to negotiate effectively. A more desirable home might require more aggressive strategies, while a less competitive property might allow for a more conservative approach.
    • Game Theory Application: Use backward induction to work from your desired outcome (obtaining a specific home within budget) to choose an agent and set a price limit that aligns with this goal.

By using game theory, you strategically align your choice of agent, price limit, and home selection to maximise your outcome while minimising risks and costs.


  1. – Game Theory: A Comprehensive Guide
  2. – Real Estate and Game Theory
  3. – Nash Equilibrium: How It Works in Game Theory
  4. – Reading: Game Theory | Microeconomics

Using Game Theory if home selling agents are encouraged to perform or are taught egotistical behaviours how could they possibly collaborate to the benefit of the seller or the buyer. Would a third party like an advocate add value or not, if cost was the same or higher?

  1. Challenge of Collaboration Among Egotists
  • Game Theory Insight: Game theory, particularly in the context of the Prisoner’s Dilemma, suggests that agents driven by self-interest or narcissistic traits are likely to act in their own best interest rather than collaborate. Narcissistic agents might prioritise their own success, seeking to maximise their commission or reputation rather than working together to achieve the best outcome for the seller or buyer.
  • Outcome: This behaviour can lead to suboptimal results for the seller, as agents might undermine each other, compete destructively, or fail to communicate effectively. Instead of collaborating to achieve the highest possible price, agents might engage in tactics that benefit themselves at the seller’s expense.
  1. Role of a Third-Party Advocate
  • Advocate’s Value: A third-party advocate could add significant value by mitigating the effects of narcissistic behaviour among agents. The advocate’s role would be to focus on the seller’s or buyer’s best interests, ensuring that the process remains objective and that all parties work towards a common goal.
  • Game Theory Insight: The presence of an advocate can help establish a cooperative equilibrium by aligning the interests of all parties. The advocate can serve as a mediator, encouraging agents to collaborate effectively or at least prevent destructive competition.
  • Cost Consideration: Even if the advocate’s cost is the same or higher, their ability to steer the process towards a more favourable outcome could justify the expense. The added value of having an advocate could be seen in achieving a higher sale price or securing better terms for the buyer, offering hope for improved results.


  • Egotistical Agents: Likely to struggle with collaboration due to their self-centred approach, potentially leading to less favourable outcomes for sellers or buyers.
  • Third-Party Advocate: This could add substantial value by fostering collaboration or at least managing the process to ensure that the seller’s or buyer’s interests are prioritised. Given their role in improving outcomes, the cost of an advocate could be justified.


  1. – What Can Game Theory Teach Us About Real Estate …
  2. – Real Estate and Game Theory
  3. – Review Article Multinationals’ misbehaviour

There is scientific research that explores the impact of narcissistic and collaborative tendencies on performance, though not specifically focused on real estate agents. Studies on narcissistic behaviour, particularly in leadership and decision-making contexts, suggest that narcissists can exhibit both positive and negative traits depending on the situation. For instance, grandiose narcissists tend to have high self-confidence and a strong sense of agency, which can lead to decisive actions and high performance in competitive environments. However, these traits can also lead to impulsive decisions and a lack of consideration for others’ perspectives, which may hinder long-term success or collaborative efforts [1].


Conversely, collaboration is generally associated with better outcomes in complex environments where teamwork and collective decision-making are crucial. Collaborative individuals tend to be more effective in environments that require sustained relationships and mutual trust.


In summary, while narcissistic traits might contribute to short-term success in highly competitive or individualistic settings, collaborative tendencies are likely more beneficial for long-term success, especially in contexts where cooperation and trust are essential. However, the effectiveness of either trait may vary depending on the specific demands of the job and the environment.


  1. – Grandiose narcissists and decision making: Impulsive …
  2. – Agentic to the core? Facets of narcissism and positive …

When considering engaging a salesperson, real estate agent, or buyers/sellers advocate, there are several key points to consider, particularly when buying, selling, or doing both simultaneously. Game Theory can help clarify the potential outcomes of these decisions.

Key Points When Engaging an Agent or Advocate:

  1. Specialisation and Focus:
    • Buyers’ Advocates: Specialize in finding properties and negotiating for buyers. They are focused on getting the best deal for the buyer and can leverage their market knowledge to identify opportunities that may not be publicly available.
    • Sellers’ Agents: Focus on marketing and selling properties, aiming to achieve the highest possible sale price. They are skilled in positioning the property in the market and negotiating with buyers.
    • Dual Agents: If you’re buying and selling simultaneously, engaging a dual agent who understands both sides of the transaction could offer a more streamlined process but may also introduce conflicts of interest.
  2. Negotiation Style:
    • Aggressive vs. Collaborative: An experienced, assertive agent might push harder in negotiations, potentially securing better immediate outcomes. However, a collaborative agent can create win-win scenarios, which might be more beneficial in complex or high-stakes transactions.
  3. Market Knowledge and Strategy:
    • Game Theory Application: In highly competitive markets (zero-sum games), an aggressive, self-assured agent might outperform by capitalising on quick decision-making and strong negotiation tactics. However, a collaborative approach may yield better overall results in more cooperative scenarios (non-zero-sum games), such as when both buyer and seller can benefit from a well-negotiated deal.
  4. Relationship Building:
    • Long-Term vs. Short-Term Focus: Collaborative agents are often better at building relationships, which can be advantageous if you’re looking for long-term market engagement. However, for a one-time transaction, the aggressiveness of a self-assured agent might be more effective.
  5. Customisation and Adaptability:
    • Tailored Strategies: Agents or advocates who adapt their strategies to your specific needs (e.g., selling quickly, maximising sale price, or finding a unique property) are likely to achieve better outcomes. The ability to pivot strategies based on market conditions or new information is crucial.

Does It Make a Difference?

  • Outcome Variability: The choice between different types of agents or advocates can significantly impact the outcome. An agent’s negotiation style, market knowledge, and ability to adapt to the specifics of your situation can all lead to different results.
  • Game Theory Perspective: Not all agents will achieve the same outcome because each agent’s strategy and the corresponding response from other market participants (buyers, sellers, other agents) will vary. For example, a collaborative agent might create a cooperative dynamic with a buyer that leads to a better final price, whereas an aggressive agent might maximise a sale in a competitive bidding scenario.

In conclusion, the selection of an agent or advocate should align with your specific goals, the market conditions, and the nature of the transaction. Game Theory suggests that different agents, using different strategies, can lead to varied outcomes—so the choice of agent or advocate does indeed make a difference.


Price Strategy

In real estate, the price you offer on a home can significantly influence the transaction’s outcome. Here’s how game theory helps in setting an optimal price:

  1. Competitive Market Dynamics:
    • When multiple buyers are interested in the same property, each buyer must decide on an offer price. You might win the bid but overpay if your price is too high. If it’s too low, you risk losing the property to another buyer.
  2. Nash Equilibrium:
    • This concept from game theory refers to a situation where all players (buyers in this case) choose their best strategy given the strategies of others. In the context of setting a price limit, you aim to reach a point where no buyer has an incentive to change their offer because they’ve optimized their chance of success without overcommitting financially.
    • For example, you reach an equilibrium if you set a price high enough to be competitive but not so high that it exceeds the property’s market value. Other buyers may recognise that going above this price offers diminishing returns, so they also stick to their limits.
  3. Backward Induction:
    • Another game theory concept that helps in setting a price. By starting from the desired outcome (securing the home within your budget), you work backward to determine the highest price you’re willing to offer that still aligns with your financial goals. This method considers what other buyers might do and helps you set a price that gives you a strong chance of winning without overpaying.

Practical Application

  • Market Research: Use market data to understand the typical range of offers for similar properties. This helps in predicting the behaviour of other buyers.
  • Psychological Factors: Consider how other buyers might react to your offer. Setting a slightly higher initial offer can discourage others from bidding aggressively.
  • Adjustments: Be ready to adjust your price limit based on new information, such as the seller’s response or the emergence of additional competitors.

In essence, your price strategy should balance competitiveness with caution, ensuring that you neither overextend yourself nor miss out on the property due to an overly conservative bid.


  1. – Game Theory: A Comprehensive Guide
  2. – Nash Equilibrium: How It Works in Game Theory
  3. – Reading: Game Theory | Microeconomics


Nash’s Equilibrium is a concept in game theory where all players in a scenario, such as real estate agents and buyers, choose their optimal strategies, and no player has anything to gain by changing their strategy unilaterally.


In the context of real estate pricing, Nash Equilibrium occurs when the agents set prices and the buyers make offers in such a way that neither the agents nor the buyers can improve their outcomes by changing their pricing or offers, assuming the other parties keep their strategies the same. This balance means that the market stabilises at a point where all parties are acting in their best interest, given the actions of others.


For instance, a real estate agent might set a price just high enough to attract the best offer without discouraging potential buyers, while buyers submit offers that reflect their maximum willingness to pay without overbidding.

Bought this week four months after it was found off market

Thought you may find it useful to see the interactions on 29 Mason St Hawthorn as opposed to the detail of each process we outlined in the 24 Maleela Balwyn Report in June 

Game Theory (above) was used at key times on 29 Mason:

  1. Clients assessment of us on their hiring
  2. Our Rating report
  3. Our valuing and pricing
  4. Housekeeping Intensity
  5. Offer Timing
  6. Return Offer to other buyers initial offer
  7. Bidding Strategy during auction

The three agents involved used Game Theory on August 14.


Agent 1 made an offer of $5.1 million on a short settlement a few days into an auction campaign. His Game Theory decision was?


If he had offered his final amount, it could have represented a Nash Equilibrium, but the problem was?


We (Agent 2) responded with an offer amount before the Zoom bidding war, and that amount was based on Game Theory.


Scott (Agent 3) followed a particular set of decisions using Game Theory. He chose this way because?

First met our clients J&L in March

March 15: “Yes J&L we letterbox drop specific homes, we will start on the agreed list this week.”

April 9: “Mal and Sim this home came up on the internet, like the style, what are your thoughts? J&L”

April 11: “Mal thank you for being so upfront. Our previous buyer agent rated everything AAA. Lets pass on this.”

April 12: “Agreed J&L, this week we have focussed on Hawthorn West agents and letterboxing.”

The video on the April 9 home – we have removed names, pleasantries etc and identifiers as not sure it has sold 

29 Mason pricing that we gave to our clients......very different from agent quote

April 16: “Hi J&L here is an off market – 29 Mason Street ……….. High $4m’s………land 725 sqm, north rear”


April 16:“Now you’re talking Sim, we walked past it and its a great spot, can we view?”


Coincidentally, behind the scenes, we were speaking to another agent, Chris Barrett, who was trying to get Mason to sell, but he lost the listing and helped us get in contact with the agent who won it – Scott. His text to Scott to the left – collaboration. Thank you Chris.


Scott said tenants need to be given notice and the owner wants to do some work and take to auction August.

We looked at more options, and ...... then ..... gold!

April to July: Over next few months we persisted with agent and letterboxed the area, targeting decent land sizes (33 letters), notes to J&L (>30) and looked at many homes (another 20). 

July 29: “Kathy and Sim thank you for all your updates we are going back to the UK on Wednesday, can we please see Mason as we won’t be back till the day before the auction  August 31st.”

July 29: “J&L confirmed. Monday 5th August at noon and Mal will meet you there.”

July 29: “Awesome Kathy and Sim and lets meet the following day before we fly out.”

August 5th: “Great home J&L, we need to get ready as this home will have interest despite its issues and somebody could well go early in the auction campaign, I doubt you will be at auction on the 31st – its too good and the quote is not where the final result will be. Mal”

10 days later on Wednesday of this week and four months after finding was time!

August 14 afternoon:

Dear J&L

1. Further to our prep and meetings since you left: It’s on!!

2. Vendor still has to agree. Probably will and possibly it will be a zoom auction tonight.
3. Settlement will only be an issue if not much more than 5.1wins. It won’t win!
4. ⁠Competitor is represented by a buyer agent and sold —— in March to owner of vineyard next door. There —— is a developer in the area.  This will be a fight.
5. ⁠Price – well someone else has already made the running in writing – so what we said about value has already been proven at the lowest of our levels.
6. ⁠Spoke to Luke – Pest and building inspector – your report will come. Summary one crack over a western window which looks an issue – it is not.  House is well built – floorplan out back is crap and lift off roof and take down internals and maybe put up trusses for cheapest reno improvements. Feels a second story could go on if pillars out into concrete out back and feels a studio could go onto a garage out back – of course all STCA. Overall good house.

7. Neighbours and council all clear. Land measurements confirmed by measuring wheel v title


Speak on zoom soon.

Text from Scott to Mal in the first week of the auction OFIs

Clients in England........Auction in Australia

August 14 evening:
Dear J&L: 

Lets get rid of any elephants.

1.We are paid the same on winning. We are talking you up to win not to get more.

2. Two advocates fighting and talking their buyers up. Bulldust.  The other buyers live in the area and you know it very well. This is about you v the other buyer knowing how good this is.  

3. So how are we going to win?

4. By understanding the true value of this home for your family long term.  This position is as good as it gets for young professional families – it is a community. Thats it.

5. You are both intellectual enough to know when to stop. Emotionally is where you never give up.

6. Keep going – you know together we have done all the work – they are no doubts.

7. I know this is heavy – but this is why Phil suggested us.  We can and will win if we believe and keep going. We will not lose our nerve in telling you to keep going.

8. Tomorrow you may well feel sick either way but in a few months you will feel incredible.

Thats it from me in the coaches box


Good luck, see you in a jiffy! 

20 minutes later after a huge fight, the result was....BOUGHT

29 Mason – I love everything about Mason Street, having already bought properties for clients at 37, 35, and 69 Mason over the last 20 years. 


Its position offers convenience and quick access to everything—schools accessible against traffic, the city and MCG just a tram ride away, a pleasant 10-minute walk to train, and only an additional 15 minutes to reach all most anywhere in the city via the loop. 


Enjoy proximity to the river, cafes, and diverse shopping options from the eclectic Richmond to the traditional Hawthorn. 


Why else?
The location is largely protected by a wealth of heritage—this is a positive aspect, except for the rear neighbour, making it nearly perfect. 


Why else?
Village feel. You will feel safe, your children will feel good, as a family this is a forever location. 


The Property?
The home sits well forward on the block, allowing for ample rear garden space which is currently well-utilized. The pool is in a good location; I would keep it as is. 


The unsightly flats at the rear could be obscured by simply rebuilding the garage with a studio on top (STCA). For me, the side street is a benefit, not a drawback, for car access. 


The building is a tale of two halves—poorly designed at the rear yet wonderfully assembled at the front. This dichotomy is beneficial in that it makes the property (hopefully) very affordable now and still livable—so take your time planning the next stage. 


That stage could involve working with what’s there, but I think it would be better to add a grand living box like the one next door, though perhaps with a different feel depending on your taste. 


This home is suitable for a renovation tailored for either a smaller, single-level family or a large and active teenage family. Regarding location—it suits everyone. It also works well for downsizers, offering a dream setup for older individuals seeking single-level living. 


What’s wrong with the package? Nothing, if you like it. What needs to be done is obvious, known, and in many ways desirable. 


Make it yours—you will never regret it. The only regret would be if you didn’t give it your best shot. 


This location is as good as it gets for families just starting out and actually so is the home.

PostScript: August 15 Thursday evening

We had the absolute pleasure of working with Mal, Sim, and Kathy to secure our dream home at 29 Mason Street. After searching for 12 months with another agent without success, we found this team to be brilliant.


Their exceptional insight led them to identify the property six months before it hit the market, allowing us to prepare effectively. This invaluable intel, combined with their strategic advice, enabled us to secure the property at a price we were thrilled with.



Working Together to Buy


Nice little home in an area that has a village atmosphere with a budget circa $2.5m. Car space and prefer no work to do.

  • Licensed Agents/Advocates
  • Started over 25 years ago
  • Sim and Mal have worked together for 16 years
  • Buy Sell family homes – Top End – Over 1000 homes
  • Clients: Medical, Legal, Finance, New Tech & Business. Repeating, Referrals, Intergenerational, Marketnews
  • Fun, travel, coffee, dinners, good times, community

  • Simone is a distinguished real estate professional in Melbourne, marked by extensive market knowledge, adept negotiation skills, and a deep understanding of buyers. Simone’s 16 years of experience have positioned her as a go-to expert in the Boroondara, Stonnington, and Bayside million dollar + markets. Simone loves travel and walking and her family.

  • Mal travels to Africa regularly on our morechildsurgeries work. Camberwell Grammar (1976). Diploma from Swinburne (2002) and Masters Degree from RMIT (2024). 3 adult (ha) children. Ratings he has a patent for. Past member National Golf Club (3). Loves, travel and his close friends and family and as well writing – Marketnews (since 2005) and previously The Age / Melbourne Weekly. Did someone say hats!


Looking for a grand home, preferably in the river precinct of Hawthorn or Grace Park with a budget $15m to $18m preferred.

  • Licensed Agents/Advocates
  • Started over 25 years ago
  • Sim and Mal have worked together for 16 years
  • Buy Sell family homes – Top End – Over 1000 homes
  • Clients: Medical, Legal, Finance, New Tech & Business. Repeating, Referrals, Intergenerational, Marketnews
  • Fun, travel, coffee, dinners, good times, community

  • Simone is a distinguished real estate professional in Melbourne, marked by extensive market knowledge, adept negotiation skills, and a deep understanding of buyers. Simone’s 16 years of experience have positioned her as a go-to expert in the Boroondara, Stonnington, and Bayside million dollar + markets. Simone loves travel and walking and her family.

  • Mal travels to Africa regularly on our morechildsurgeries work. Camberwell Grammar (1976). Diploma from Swinburne (2002) and Masters Degree from RMIT (2024). 3 adult (ha) children. Ratings he has a patent for. Past member National Golf Club (3). Loves, travel and his close friends and family and as well writing – Marketnews (since 2005) and previously The Age / Melbourne Weekly. Did someone say hats!


Modern home preferred, but would consider period home with nothing to do. Budget circa $5m. Flexibility on settlement.

  • Licensed Agents/Advocates
  • Started over 25 years ago
  • Sim and Mal have worked together for 16 years
  • Buy Sell family homes – Top End – Over 1000 homes
  • Clients: Medical, Legal, Finance, New Tech & Business. Repeating, Referrals, Intergenerational, Marketnews
  • Fun, travel, coffee, dinners, good times, community

  • Simone is a distinguished real estate professional in Melbourne, marked by extensive market knowledge, adept negotiation skills, and a deep understanding of buyers. Simone’s 16 years of experience have positioned her as a go-to expert in the Boroondara, Stonnington, and Bayside million dollar + markets. Simone loves travel and walking and her family.

  • Mal travels to Africa regularly on our morechildsurgeries work. Camberwell Grammar (1976). Diploma from Swinburne (2002) and Masters Degree from RMIT (2024). 3 adult (ha) children. Ratings he has a patent for. Past member National Golf Club (3). Loves, travel and his close friends and family and as well writing – Marketnews (since 2005) and previously The Age / Melbourne Weekly. Did someone say hats!


Modern family home with a budget up to $7m – easy access to South Road schools preferred – bigger yard is a preference.

  • Licensed Agents/Advocates
  • Started over 25 years ago
  • Sim and Mal have worked together for 16 years
  • Buy Sell family homes – Top End – Over 1000 homes
  • Clients: Medical, Legal, Finance, New Tech & Business. Repeating, Referrals, Intergenerational, Marketnews
  • Fun, travel, coffee, dinners, good times, community

  • Simone is a distinguished real estate professional in Melbourne, marked by extensive market knowledge, adept negotiation skills, and a deep understanding of buyers. Simone’s 16 years of experience have positioned her as a go-to expert in the Boroondara, Stonnington, and Bayside million dollar + markets. Simone loves travel and walking and her family.

  • Mal travels to Africa regularly on our morechildsurgeries work. Camberwell Grammar (1976). Diploma from Swinburne (2002) and Masters Degree from RMIT (2024). 3 adult (ha) children. Ratings he has a patent for. Past member National Golf Club (3). Loves, travel and his close friends and family and as well writing – Marketnews (since 2005) and previously The Age / Melbourne Weekly. Did someone say hats!


Period Home, prefer off market. Budget circa $5m. Flexibility on settlement. Link to James Buy Sell marketnews for full story

Working Together to Sell

click v for more details on home


Why This Home Stands Out

This home offers an unbeatable combination of lifestyle, location, and investment potential, making it an ideal choice for families.


Convenient Location

The close proximity to the train station provides fast access to top schools like Caulfield Grammar and Star of the Sea, as well as the MCG and CBD. You are already within walking distance of BGS, Firbank and Brighton Primary. This convenience means no daily car trips to drop kids at the station, offering a stress-free lifestyle for parents and independence for children.


Nearby Amenities

Located near Bay Street, you’ll find everything you need within walking distance, including restaurants, shops like Coles and Chemist Warehouse, and fitness facilities such as Pilates studios and gyms. This makes for an easy and convenient lifestyle.


Resort-Style Living

This home offers resort-like amenities with a pool, spa, steam room, gym, and tennis court, making it a rare find that enhances your lifestyle.


Family Security

Children’s bedrooms are located upstairs, and the property is equipped with a high front fence, security cameras, and an alarm system, ensuring a safe and secure environment for your family.


Solid Investment

With 1800 sqm of land in Brighton, this property is a significant investment that will appreciate over time. Large land holdings like this are becoming increasingly rare, especially for families seeking space and a quality lifestyle. Comparable homes in different locations are often priced at a higher premium, possibly making this an out-of-reach opportunity elsewhere.


Contact us today to arrange a viewing.

Don’t miss this chance to secure a home that offers both a comfortable lifestyle and a smart investment.


This home is currently off market and SOI is available from agents on request


Coastal Living Meets Urban Convenience


Brighton Beach and Hampton Beach in Melbourne’s Bayside area offer an unparalleled lifestyle, blending the tranquility of coastal living with the convenience of urban amenities. These highly sought-after locations are known for their pristine beaches, stunning coastal views, and relaxed atmosphere, making them ideal for families, professionals, and retirees alike.


Brighton Beach, famous for its iconic bathing boxes and golden sands, is just a short walk from the Brighton Beach railway station. With frequent train services, residents enjoy quick and easy access to Melbourne’s CBD, making it possible to commute while enjoying the luxury of living by the sea. The area is well-serviced by a variety of local amenities, including cafes, boutique shops, and recreational facilities.


A short distance away, Hampton Beach offers a similarly idyllic setting with calm waters and beautiful shorelines. The vibrant Hampton Street precinct, filled with dining options, shops, and essential services, enhances the appeal of this beachside suburb.


Quarry House: A Masterpiece of Architectural Luxury


Nestled between these two prime locations is Quarry House, a secluded beachside masterpiece that redefines luxury living. Designed by Finnis Architects, this tri-level residence effortlessly blends modern elegance with practical family living. Expansive glass walls, a shimmering lap pool, and lush landscaped gardens create a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor spaces.


The home features five spacious bedrooms, each with custom storage and en suites, while the open-plan living, dining, and kitchen areas provide the perfect setting for family gatherings. The property also boasts a heated pool, spa, and a fully equipped outdoor kitchen, making it a true entertainer’s delight.


Additional highlights include a private parent’s retreat, a basement ‘man cave’ with a wine room, home cinema, and a space for up to eight cars. This state-of-the-art, fully automated home offers every modern convenience and has been featured in numerous magazines for its exceptional design.


Call to Action

This is a rare opportunity to own a piece of luxury in one of Melbourne’s most desirable locations. Don’t miss your chance to experience the best of beachside living. Contact today to arrange a private viewing of Quarry House and discover the lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.


SOI: $9,800,000 to $10,500,000


Nestled in a coveted Caulfield North address, this charming double-fronted, double-brick Edwardian home offers the perfect blend of classic elegance and modern convenience. Located just steps from a beautiful park and with quick access to Dandenong Road, the position is unbeatable. While the adjacent flats may be a consideration, they do not detract from the overall appeal of this property.


The home itself boasts period features that have been thoughtfully integrated with contemporary living spaces. The floorplan is functional and inviting, with three luxurious bedrooms and a versatile study/library that can serve as a fourth bedroom. The light-filled living and dining areas are enhanced by a designer kitchen with a stone island bench, integrated fridge, and top-of-the-line Smeg and Bosch appliances.


Outside, a meticulously landscaped gardens provide a serene backdrop for entertaining. Additional features include abundant storage, a garage, and off-street parking, making this home both practical and beautiful.


Call to Action

This is an above-average classic home with all the charm of Caulfield North and the convenience of nearby Malvern. Don’t miss the opportunity to make this beautifully balanced home your own. Contact to arrange a viewing.


This home is currently off market and SOI is available from agents on request

Open, genuine and trusted implicitly by her extensive network of clients throughout Stonnington and beyond, Kellie O’Neill is a dedicated and results-driven sales consultant.


“I am passionate about achieving beyond my clients’ expectations, and focused on devising the best possible campaign strategies for each individual property,” says Kellie. “From the outset, I work collaboratively with clients to determine the most appropriate method of sale and the marketing tactics that will give their property a competitive edge.”


Kellie combines her results oriented mindset with more than twenty years’ spent living and working in the local area as well as a deep understanding of Stonnington’s market drivers and trends. A background in customer service underpins her ability to ensure a seamless sales experience, in all market conditions.


“A professional who over delivers”, “helpful from beginning to end” and “negotiated a result beyond our expectations” are just some of the enthusiastic testimonials Kellie has received from her large pool of delighted clients.


Exceptional negotiation skills coupled with a transparent communication style and strong interpersonal abilities round out Kellie’s comprehensive skill set. Her commitment to client success ensures she keeps all parties informed and up-to-date across every stage of the property sales process.

“From start to finish, I believe excellent communication is essential. I work hard to ensure I understand all parties’ needs in order to negotiate a premium result for my client.” That is not often associated with real estate.

Born in Stonnington and a resident of the area for most of his life, Andrew James has a wealth of local knowledge and experience. Add his energy, understanding of what motivates buyers, and youthful drive and enthusiasm and he has a rare  combination that can help buyers decide that a property is a· must have.


Andrew is a Director of the Belle Property Armadale office and has an in-depth understanding of real estate sales in the local area. He started his career in stockbroking but moved to real estate when he realised that he was enjoying the people side of the business far more than the number crunching, although the analytical skills he developed are certainly valuable in any business dealings.


As a team player who’s proud of his ability to get on with people and establish strong personal relationships with clients and his teammates, it’s easy to see why Andrew leads the team at Belle Property Armadale so well. His values and professionalism have earned him the respect of buyers and sellers alike, something that gives him enormous satisfaction. He is also proud to be a part of the premium Belle Property brand, especially because of the company’s high levels of training and support, but also the level of expertise and responsibility that is not often associated with real estate.

From graduating university with a Bachelor of Commerce and then immediately entering real estate sales, it took Oliver less than a decade to established himself as one of Melbourne’s most successful real estate agents.


His engaging personality and strong work ethic combined with his skills in negotiation, discretion and commitment to delivering on promises were key factors that led him to become a Partner at Kay & Burton so early in his career.


Oliver has sold some of the city’s most prestigious properties and significantly raised the bar for property sales across Stonnington. He attributes his success to understanding the importance of creating and nurturing relationships rather than just focusing on the end result.



One thing Sydneysiders seem to appreciate more than us Melburnians is the power of a view. This home is just 5 minutes from Austin Hospital, 17 minutes from Carey, and 23 minutes from Grossi Florentino.


It sits on two lots of two levels, backing onto a large private park. The home will be completed in one month, featuring a brand-new $9 million rebuild with 48 tons of steel—much more than the average home.


The asking price SOI is $12 million.

A familiar face in and around Banyule, Stewart is a life-long local with a deep insight and knowledge of the area, the community and the property market. With a real estate family and years of experience behind him Stewart has a strong and inspired interest in the industry. Hard work, a progressive approach and hundreds of outstanding results underpin Stewart’s reputation as a respected Senior Sales Consultant, successful Auctioneer and now a Director.


It’s Stewart’s professional demeanour and approachable personality that his clients find most refreshing. A great communicator with exceptional negotiating skills, Stewart understands people and their property needs. With every discussion and every challenge, Stewart brings a genuine supportive approach along with the skill and expertise to ensure each property is guided smoothly and efficiently towards a successful conclusion. Stewart together with Damien Carter and Brad Pearce leads the residential sales team at Miles.

Liz offers unsurpassed knowledge of the local area, combined with the people skills to understand client’s unique needs.


When looking for a real estate agent, among the qualities people expect are energy and enthusiasm. Liz Walker has both of these in abundance. Living locally and having a vested interest in the area, Liz is determined to leave no stone unturned in her quest to achieve the very best for her clients.


Liz’s communication and organisational skills marry well with her exceptionally high level of energy. Liz has a dynamic personality and in a short period of time, her career has been fast tracked with achievements including her appointment as Partner in 2011. Liz was educated at Wesley College and experience in the fashion industry early in her career has given her an expert eye for detail.


In her spare time, Liz enjoys spending time with her husband Dave and their two children Charli & Luca , friends and family and shopping locally. She also spends as much time as she can with her Border Collie Indy walking around Chelsworth Park and local parklands.


A Rare Art Deco Masterpiece in Glen Iris

Discover the timeless elegance of this exceptional Art Deco residence, where superior design, craftsmanship, and style converge. Art Deco homes are a rarity, and this property stands out as a prime example of the charm and character that defines the era. For those who appreciate the unique appeal of this architectural style, this home offers a rare opportunity.


Spacious and Ready to Move In

This home features larger-than-average bedrooms, including a beautiful master suite. The challenges of renovating a property with triple brick construction and complex floor plans have already been expertly addressed, making this a turnkey option for the discerning buyer.

The home’s layout is both functional and elegant, with a grand entrance, adjoining rooms, and a stunning upstairs area. The possibility of converting the upstairs into a master suite adds even more potential to this already impressive home.


Prime Location in Glen Iris

Situated in a premier location, this home is close to all the essential amenities. Located on a highly sought-after street, it’s surrounded by other quality properties, making it an ideal choice for families and those seeking a prime address.


Detailed Features and Amenities

  • Architectural Beauty: The exterior exemplifies Art Deco design with curved walls and windows, while the interior boasts timber floors, etched glass, and decorative ceilings.
  • Living Spaces: The generous living room with an open fireplace, and a home office with another fireplace, offer both comfort and style.
  • Modern Conveniences: The Gaggenau kitchen features premium appliances, including a steamer and integrated fridge/freezer, leading to a picturesque garden with a heated pool.
  • Bedrooms: A captivating main bedroom with a private courtyard and en-suite downstairs, plus a spacious upstairs bedroom with stunning views to the Dandenongs.
  • Additional Features: Video intercom, powder-room, laundry, ample storage, and a secure garage.


Call to Action

If you’re in search of a home that blends distinctive Art Deco style with modern practicality, then here is an opportunity not to be missed. Contact to arrange a viewing and explore the full potential of this remarkable property.

This home is currently off market and SOI is available from agents on request


Delivering sophisticated design, functional zones and refined interior luxury, this stunning four bedroom Hamptons inspired home on the doorstep of Thomas Street South Reserve provides an idyllic, bayside lifestyle.


Beyond the secure remote controlled gate, landscaped front garden and welcoming verandah, the long hallway showcasing wide reclaimed oak flooring and walls lined with timber panelling introduces the living area overlooking the magnificent front garden and indulgent main suite with a bold yet calming deep blue colour scheme, bay window seating cleverly supplying storage and a walk-through dressing room to the flawless marble ensuite with twin Villeroy and Boch basins and luxe Grohe rainfall shower featuring an in-built TV. Further down, three spacious bedrooms unveiling private leafy outlooks and built in robes; two with in-built study nooks are serviced by an exquisite family bathroom with separate bath and shower; mirroring the design and appointments of the ensuite plus a separate toilet.


With a prized north facing rear, family connection and relaxation is thoroughly measured with a spectacular marble kitchen featuring Smeg double-oven industrial freestanding cooker, two Miele dishwashers, large butler’s pantry plus an island bench with fireclay butler’s sinks; flowing to the casual dining zone and expansive living room warmed by the Heat n Glo gas fireplace complete with custom cabinetry and wall of bi-folds integrating indoor/outdoor entertaining. Walls of glazing ensure supervising the children playing outside from inside is a breeze and hosting all scale occasions in the sensational rear garden with an undercover alfresco deck spilling to the paved patio with fire-pit and solar-heated pool set in private low maintenance retreat-inspired surrounds is a pleasure.


Accomplished in every category, highlights include two bathrooms, three toilets, fully fitted laundry with accessible roof storage, plantation shutters, ducted heating, multiple split system units, alarm, water tank, auto irrigation, vegetable garden, shed and secure off street parking for two cars. Zoned for Sandringham Primary School, popular Thomas Street South Reserve and playground is metres away and esteemed private schools, Hampton Street shops, Hampton Station and the beach are all easily accessed from this quiet family friendly street bookended by parks.


LINK to SOI $3,450,000


Evoking the timeless grandeur and romance of classic Hamptons style blended with a modern coastal aesthetic, the vision of a private luxurious beach resort is immediately realised upon entry of this stunning forever family home. From the breath-taking restoration of Edwardian heritage to the addition of expansive north facing open plan entertaining spaces flanked by impeccable landscaping and spectacular brand new heated pool and spa, this sublime sanctuary, fully renovated to the highest standard delivers an aura of calm, casual elegance creating the ultimate showpiece for entertaining.


Welcomed by a magnificently traditional verandah overlooking the glorious Peppermint Willow and sprawling lawn, the majestic entrance delivers a preview of what is to come with more than a nod to the history retained incorporating timber fretwork, high ceilings, mantle-pieces, lead-lighting and bay windows updated with custom window seats while impressive contemporary inclusions such as extensive floor to ceiling bespoke cabinetry, wide oak flooring, wool carpet and plantation shutters provide understated indulgence.


Family life revolves around the exquisite kitchen with porcelain benchtops and splashbacks, state of the art Sub-Zero integrated fridge and freezer, Wolf and Miele appliances all surrounding a beautiful island bench with breakfast bar. Flowing from the kitchen, open plan living and dining spaces warmed by the Ortal gas fireplace atop a full-length terrazzo bench with integrated storage deliver unimpeded indoor/outdoor connection to alfresco dining underneath auto-louvre roofing. Seamless merging of outdoor zones, encourage family and friends into the pool/spa area with an idyllic position to relax underneath a cantilever pergola shade.


Accommodation comprises a plush master suite with dressing room/WIR and ensuite plus three spacious bedrooms (BIRs) while a fully self-contained studio with ensuite delivers flexibility for a home office, teenage retreat, pool house, gym or guest accommodation. A sumptuous central bathroom provides relaxation with soak tub and oversized shower while the Euro laundry adds convenience. Includes hydronic heating, reverse cycle aircon, security system, auto irrigation, remote gate, double garage plus solar system.


Beachside of Hampton Street, 300m from the sand and almost as close to cafes, supermarket & station. Walk to Hampton Primary and enjoy proximity to Brighton and Firbank Grammars & St Leonard’s and Haileybury Colleges


This home is currently off market and SOI is available from agents on request


The wine storage and broader storage industry in Australia have seen significant growth in recent years, driven by increasing demand for secure and climate-controlled environments. As more Australians invest in fine wines, the need for specialized storage solutions has surged, leading to the expansion of companies providing these services.


This commercial site in Hawthorn, Victoria, is perfectly positioned to capitalize on this trend. Located on a busy road with excellent visibility, the property is currently leased to a well-established ASX-listed national tenant in the wine storage industry, offering a secure 5-year lease.


The strategic location of this property not only ensures high traffic exposure but also provides a unique opportunity for future development. The zoning of this site allows for extensive redevelopment options, making it an attractive investment for those looking to expand or diversify their portfolio. Whether it’s increasing the storage capacity, adding complementary services, or transforming the site into a mixed-use development, the potential is immense.


This property represents a rare opportunity to secure a foothold in a booming industry while enjoying the stability of a national tenant and the flexibility to enhance the site’s value over time


SOI is $16.5 million

Jonathon as Sales and Leasing Director has over 30 years of experience in the marketing, sales and leasing of commercial properties and development sites and is currently responsible for the marketing and sale of sub-$100M investment and development sites in Victoria.


Jonathon is dedicated to nurturing the biggest assets that Gorman Commercial has in their asset management business together with maintaining relationships such as yours outside of the day-to-day management.


Some of Jonathon’s notable transactions include:

The Espy, St Kilda | $65 million (Hotel)

1235 Plenty Road, South Morang | $10,350,000 (Investment)

95 St Kilda Road, St Kilda | $9,750,000 (Development)

284-296 Centre Road, Bentleigh | $9,500,000 (Investment)  

600-604 North Road, Ormond | $6,210,000 Development)  

131 Poath Road, Murrumbeena | $5,300,000 (Development)

T2, 215 Princes Highway, Beaconsfield | $5,400,000 (Investment)

T4, 215 Princes Highway, Beaconsfield | $5,350,000 (Investment)

T1, 215 Princes Highway, Beaconsfield | $3,820,000 (Investment)

Stephen Gorman is a distinguished leader in the commercial real estate industry in Melbourne, with an impressive track record spanning over 30 years. He has demonstrated his expertise in all commercial asset classes and has served major clients throughout Victoria. In 2009, Stephen founded Gorman Commercial and has since steered the company to new heights.


As Managing Director of Gorman Commercial, Stephen Gorman is responsible for managing a diverse portfolio of properties valued at over $5 billion. His team manages more than 3,500 tenancies, ensuring the highest standards of service and performance. With his extensive experience and proven leadership, Stephen is an invaluable asset to the commercial real estate industry in Victoria.

Julian got his start in real estate as a property valuer with a focus on the commercial and industrial sectors. His valuations of local and national developers and institutional clients has been aided by his in-depth knowledge of market trends.


Moving over to sales and leasing, Julian’s found success providing clients with market insights and comparisons, as well as financial modelling assistance. Possessing an intimate knowledge of Bayside as a local, Julian’s keen to see the region grow.


Throughout summer you’ll find Julian swimming laps around Cerberus at Half Moon Bay or playing 9 holes at Sandy Golf Course.

Matt’s impressive 40-year+ career in real estate has allowed him to gather insights into almost every sector from retail, to office and industrial. This comprehensive understanding has informed an ability to visualise development opportunities as well as interests in aged care.


His ability to tailor strategies based on the property, client and lease helps Matt exceed client expectations, whether it’s selling Bayside’s largest development site, leasing Melbourne’s largest suburban building or selling vacant buildings in the GFC.


Matt’s zeal for real estate is fueled by his passion for the outdoors and he’s been known for cycling across the Simpson Desert and fish from his kayak.


Prime Location with Breathtaking Views

Nestled in the heart of Hawthorn East, Anderson Park is a highly sought-after location that perfectly balances natural beauty and city convenience. With stunning views of the Melbourne skyline, this serene park offers an ideal environment for families and outdoor enthusiasts. Proximity to prestigious schools and easy access to the Monash Freeway make this area a perfect choice for families who value both education and convenience.


Exceptional Family Home with Northern Aspect

Set on a generous block of approximately 1115 square meters, this impressive family home features striking architectural lines and versatile living spaces. Enjoy year-round outdoor living with a northern al fresco terrace, solar-heated pool, and floodlit north/south tennis court.

The ground floor boasts an open-plan family room and kitchen, complemented by stylish formal living and dining rooms. Upstairs, discover a second casual living area, four double bedrooms with built-in robes, including a master suite with walk-in robes and a marble spa bathroom.

A large study or fifth bedroom, spacious family bathroom, and additional features like a powder room, heating, security, and a double garage with rear ROW access complete this exceptional offering.


Call to Action

If you’re seeking a home that offers both luxury and practicality in a prime location, this property is a must-see. Contact to arrange a viewing and experience the lifestyle that Anderson Park and this remarkable home have to offer.

This home is currently off market and SOI is available from agents on request


  • Licensed Agents/Advocates
  • Started over 25 years ago
  • Sim and Mal have worked together for 16 years
  • Buy Sell family homes – Top End – Over 1000 homes
  • Clients: Medical, Legal, Finance, New Tech & Business. Repeating, Referrals, Intergenerational, Marketnews
  • Fun, travel, coffee, dinners, good times, community

  • Simone is a distinguished real estate professional in Melbourne, marked by extensive market knowledge, adept negotiation skills, and a deep understanding of buyers. Simone’s 16 years of experience have positioned her as a go-to expert in the Boroondara, Stonnington, and Bayside million dollar + markets. Simone loves travel and walking and her family.

  • Mal travels to Africa regularly on our morechildsurgeries work. Camberwell Grammar (1976). Diploma from Swinburne (2002) and Masters Degree from RMIT (2024). 3 adult (ha) children. Ratings he has a patent for. Past member National Golf Club (3). Loves, travel and his close friends and family and as well writing – Marketnews (since 2005) and previously The Age / Melbourne Weekly. Did someone say hats!


Exclusively situated in a highly sought after blue ribbon location, this captivating solid brick Edwardian residence’s generous dimensions have been impressively refurbished throughout to create a stunning family domain where classic elegance merges with inspired style. Perfect to enjoy for many years while also offering scope for a future extension if desired (STCA).


Behind a high walled garden with a magnificent Magnolia at its centre, the broad L-shaped entrance hall featuring ornate ceilings, leadlight windows and Baltic pine floors flows through to a gracious living room with marble fireplace, a light filled dining area with open fire and a gourmet kitchen appointed with porcelain benches and Smeg appliances. The dining area opens to full width deck overlooking the deep private north-facing garden enjoying leafy surrounds. The main bedroom with walk in robes, designer en suite and bath is serenely set apart from three additional bedrooms with robes and fireplaces and a stylish bathroom.


Enviably situated just a short walk to Kooyong station, Kooyong Village shops and cafes, trams and excellent schools and parkland, it includes video intercom, hydronic heating, RC/air-conditioner, underfloor heating in the bathrooms, full water filtration system, laundry, large under-house storeroom, auto gates and carport.

Working Together Success

Working Together to Help

Melbourne Homelessness

This year through our clients support James Buy Sell has put in $50,000, and Marshall White, through their foundation, has matched $ for $ for the local (Hawthorn, Toorak, Bayside and more) You Matter Family Violence Program! James Connell and Paula Matlock can provide more information. Congratulations to all at Marshall White. This was our 4th year together between James Buy Sell and Marshall White Foundation and our 19th year in local homeless programs.

Sub-Sahara 1st Childrens Hospital

Fundraising has begun with an inaugural marathon for we think Tanzania's first children's hospital (population 3 times Australia but doctors are at 2% of Australia's per head: world bank stat). If you feel its something you want to get involved with contact Mal James 0408 107 988 or It is tax deductible in Australia through Rotary and will make a huge difference. More info on the existing child surgeries program (900 children completed) at