$4m in 2 years

Normally we say nothing – privacy – but somebody else splashed it all over the papers. In 2021 we bought for our client. This week sold for a $4m gross profit in 2 years. Same home, same agent. In fact same clients we acted for on another $4m+ profit Toorak home previously. That’s a +20% uplift as the Toorak market dropped 10%.

Stonnington RT Edgar Mexican Wave

The Boroondara hotspot has rippled through to Stonnington – and make no mistake this is a market change – this is a Mexican of some note. Sure, we are not out the woods, but bidders are cutting swathes through the forests of negativity to lights on the horizon.

Volatility Continues

Enter Tuesday’s rate announcement and all of sudden this May market is now the volatile one. May is going to be compelling watching like a Magpies last quarter and will almost certainly set the tone for Winter, Early Spring and pre-Xmas markets in 2023.

The 2023M2 May market has gone from a bit of a yawn to pivotal sentiment in the immediate residential property markets future.

Off Market Multi Agent

In a buy sell, on the sell, we manage the whole process. Our focus is price, strategy, presentation, agent selection, execution, and extras, all of which are largely ignored in many off-markets, big mistake.

And we live in volatile times!

Bang! That means right now $millions are on the line for buyers and sellers.

It’s game back on!

Volatility doesn’t just happen on the way down – it also happens on the way up!

Buy Sell in Volatile Times

We now enter the post Easter market – M2 – the May market, the year’s second one.

And we live in volatile times!

Bang! That means right now $millions are on the line for buyers and sellers.

It’s game back on!

Volatility doesn’t just happen on the way down – it also happens on the way up!

Big Changes in Melbourne Real Estate

Stop Press: Today, April 1st, Jellis Craig, Kay and Burton and Marshall White announced they are merging to form a super company called Green is Good, based on the 1980’s business theory, but updated to reflect agents new world environmental credentials.

Auctions, Off-Markets & AAA Beachfront

Another big week in property for us and if you think the market has not changed since later last year when it was a dog – then that’s fair enough – but we don’t agree.

It has changed dramatically since pre-Xmas on individual homes that are special and in some micro-markets (eg Boroondara).

But as we said – a break from the market this week. Back to absolute beachfront.

Fire ‘n Ice

The market is heating up – even though some segments are still very cool.

Spend Millions or Buy Well

9 Towers Road Toorak building values will last forever – it’s a classic – it will never be bulldozed – it will go up in value for as long as people appreciate genius. But the money will be made by the current owner, the second one, as the first sold as the dream was completing. I had never met the architects, nor the original owners – we did not buy this home on the quiet, on reputation or for glitz and glam, it was bought for our clients on substance – it was and still is a classic.

Maxwell House Toorak in above podcast was a home that was sold on a timeframe to get the maximum crispiness factor – before any dating. Advice was given, advice was taken, and the numbers speak for themselves.

Expressions of Interest – EOI

I buy 30 to 50 homes a year for clients, mainly in the $3m to $30m price range and I have for over 20 years. I first ran into Marcus Chiminello more than a decade ago when two years running, we awarded him the Young Agent of the Year. Marcus is in my Top 5 agents that I have worked with or competed against and a consistent record breaker.