We talk a lot about great sex at James Buy Sell.

ordinary genius

Un friggin believable, good news, Aussie ingenuity, from absolutely nothing and never been done before, now worldwide company.


“Money is historically cheap, opportunity will be good.” Gerald Delany and Greg Hocking.


Holding your bottle when it’s your turn in the biorhythm of the deal, to be in the weaker position – learning to read the winds and currents a few tacks in advance.

A Love Story

Couples can be as one before they start looking for a home – however some soon discover they want very different things.


A normal family, living in Malvern nearly a decade ago, made a directional change, one based on pure and free emotion AND in 2020, it seems to have worked.


Those that understand the value of provenance; want to know the history of a Namatjira or a Renoir; the restorers’ qualifications on an original Eames or Benz and the likely expected future condition of a Grange or a Rothschild – before they purchase.

Half Time

Where is price at as we go to our Half Time break.

Upper Market Improving ?

There are simply no blanket rules right now – meaning no blanket positives, but equally no blanket negatives.

Brighton is Booming

In Brighton in the last week or so – approximately. $6m, $6m, $6m, $4.5m (plus a $6m a month ago), $4.5m, $10m, $3.5m, $3.5m, $17m (not quite last week) and near $17m (yes last week)