weve left the clifftop

Welcome to the Marketnews pre-game for 2022’s second buy sell season the MAY 100 Auction Test – it promises to be one of interest for the spectators and one of triumphs and tribulations for the players.

Crunch Time Coming?

Today’s snapshot: There is no doubt that the mainstream media is increasingly reporting the winds of change. Those winds actually began a full six months ago on Cup Day 2021.

So, whilst some are late to this news, marketnews readers have been operating with knowledge of this, for that full six months.

Timeless Advice Matters

$38m Lockdown Buy Sell
We started with one couple (R&L) in 2005 on a $1m buy. We started with the other couple (J&C) in 2013 on a $2m sell. We completed for both in Lockdown with $38m of buy sells.

Mexican Momentum?

The Mexican has started. Lets see how many laps of The G he and she does.


Occur at least two times a year – Labour Day to Easter and Footy Finals to Cup. It’s at and about the Ultra Top End, where agent led PR stories begin to appear in the papers, at the end of your phone and on social media with the view of creating some momentum selling (fair enough).

get curious

What else determines your price? Right now, maybe your number one influence on your market price is not in the home or the market but in your attitude, patience and flexibility.

early verdict

Today’s Opening Market reinforced what many in the industry thought has been happening since Cup Day 2021 – the market is easing, as demand drops, as buyer urgency decreases.