Week 2 – A Lot Better

Market results were a lot better today than last week; with a clearance/agreement rate on price between buyers and sellers @ 76% on the 30 auctions we covered today.

How is She?

I was really surprised at the Buzz today – with few exceptions, it was like a ghost town. This was so different to the last few weeks.

Egg on Face?

On the eve of M3 – the Spring market – we feel change is in the air.

Right now, the direction of the Top End market on A-graders is strong and possibly up.

Price: Give or Take?

All the talk is about Price and the Market. We investigate what makes up price and its not just the macro market. Price comes from 3 market taps = Macro + Micro + Individual

Early Pep & Price

All the talk is about Price and the Market. We investigate what makes up price and its not just the macro market. Price comes from 3 market taps = Macro + Micro + Individual

Facts not Predictions

Eco Joe below, is not primarily about bagging economists – Eco Joe is about highlighting that reported predictions seldom match reality with regards to A-grade family homes.

The Albo Pep


So yes, the market noticeably improved this week. In fact, today was the first noticeable overall up lift or stabilisation since Cup Day 2021. Whilst we are nowhere near where we were on Cup Day 2021 in terms of price (5%-10% off), nor does one rosella make a spring – however it was a good week, relatively speaking… the ALBO PEP!

ducks v volcanoes May 22

Currently the momentum is down or falling. A week of bullshit or spin commentary from almost every property expert who described the market as balanced. When you are on a chair having too many drinks and then you find yourself on the floor – you haven’t balanced, you have fallen.